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Friday, December 30, 2011

Dimanakah Engkau?

Dimanakah Engkau?
Mereka bertanya-tanya mencari-Mu: Dimanakah Engkau?
Sungguh alangkah bodohnya pertanyan mereka itu. Apakah mereka buta lagi tidak melihat?
Kapan Engkau bersembunyi hingga kami harus mencari dimana Engkau berada?
Bukankah Engkau berada dalam penglihatan dan pendengaran kami?
Bukankah Engkau berada pada udara yang kami hirup?
Bukankah Engkau berada pada senyuman anak kecil dan kicauan burung-burung?
Bukankah Engkau berada dalam lirihnya pohon dan cahaya rembulan?
Bukankah Engkau berada pada bumi dan langit?
Bukankah Engkau berada pada segala sesuatu?
Bukankah semua yang ada di alam semesta ini tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan tentang keberadaan-Mu?
Bukankah semua itu adalah bukti-bukti keindahan dan kesempurnaan penciptaan-Mu, wahai Sang Maha Pencipta Yang Agung?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Build Your Own Castle in Paradise


I always obey my passions and desires
Till I enslave myself
If I were satisfied with everything I have
I would surely be the one who’s free

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh.

      My dear sisters in Islam, how have you been? I hope you are doing great and in the good state of imaan. It has been a long time since I wrote the last article on my blog. Hope you forgive me because I was busy with my studies and exams. :)

      My lovely sisters, have you ever heard the story of Asiyah r.a (May Allah be pleased with her), the wife of Pharaoh (Fir’aun)? She is one of the best righteous women in the world. Her obedience and persistence are incredible. Indeed, Allah has praised her in the Holy Qur’an:

“And Allah has set forth an example for those who believe, the wife of Fir’aun (Pharaoh), when she said: ‘My Lord! Build for me a home with you in Paradise, and save me from Fir’aun (Pharaoh) and his work, and save me from the people who are Zalimun (wrong-doers and disbeliever in Allah).” At-Tahrim : 11.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Duhai Engkau Yang Disana...

Duhai engkau yg disana. .
Andai engkau tahu,
sebenarnya hatiku telah terpaut padamu.
Namun aku takut mengakuinya.
Aku takut jikalau nanti aku terjerumus pada cinta yg tak halal,
yg menyebabkan Allah murka pada kita.

Duhai engkau yg kini mengusik ketenangan batinku.
Semoga kau mengerti bahasa diamku.
Diamku bukan berarti aku membencimu.
Diamku bukan berarti aku sengaja mengacuhkanmu.
Kau tahu?
Itu semua terjadi karena aku tak tahu harus berbuat apa di depanmu.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Teruntuk Engkau Yang Selalu Kurindu

By Fatima Zahra

Wahai kau yang selalu kurindu,
Wajahmu tak pernah terlukis di kanvas kehidupanku,
Senyummu tak pernah terlintas dalam imajiku
Bahkan namamu tak pernah terukir di lubuk hatiku

Wahai kau yang selalu mengusik ketenangan batinku,
Siapakah kau?
Tahukah kau betapa gelisahnya aku?
Setiap saat penuh tanya menantimu.
Akankah kau akan menjemputku?

Wahai kau yang melumpuhkan hatiku,
Tak pernah kutahu siapa dirimu,
Tak sanggup kumenduga dimana kau berada,
Atau apa yang sedang kau lakukan disana.
Namun aku yakin, kau sedang bersama-Nya.
Menjaga cintamu pada-Nya agar dapat mencintaiku kelak hanya karena-Nya.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Allah is indeed near...

Assalamualaikum my lovely sisters. :)
How have you been?
May Allah keep showering you with His great blessings.

All praise is due to Allah.
He still allows me to be in touch with you all through my writing.

My blessed sisters,
When calamity strikes you,
And the whole world seems dark to you.
No one consoles you or wipe your tears away.
You really don't know what to do and where to go.
You can't find anyone to lean on...

Friday, February 11, 2011

You Are Absolutely Beautiful, My Dear Sisters...

Which of Allah's favors can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to him is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wabarakatuhu,

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you.
How's is it going my dear sisters?
Hope you are always under the auspices and mercy of Allah.

My blessed sisters,
Have you ever taken a look on your reflection at the mirror?
Just do it once again.
See, how beautiful you are. Look at your pretty face, pretty skin, lovely eyes, and so on.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Duhai Tuhanku...

By Fatima Zahra

Duhai Tuhanku...
Siapalah diriku ini...
Aku hanyalah lumpur jalang,
Kotor, hina dan menjijikkan.
Terbawa arus kemaksiatan
Terbuai dengan tipu daya syaitan
Bingung dalam kegelisahan

Aku hanyalah kerikil kecil dalam selokan
Tenggelam dalam limbah kesedihan
Tejerembab ke dalam jurang kekufuran 
Terpuruk kedalam lembah kenistaan

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear My Future 'Imam'

By: Fatima Zahra

O my future imam...
I may not know who you are.
I may not know where you're from.
But I don't care..
I'm sure someday Allah will let me know about you.
I'm sure you're the best that Allah has chosen for me.
I'm sure Allah will allow me to meet you on the right time.

Oh the owner of my rib...
Whoever you are...
I promise, 
If I found you, I would love you eternally because of Allah.
I would always obey your commands.
I would stay by your side, no matter what.
And keep this love till the end of time.

If you only knew,
Deep inside...
I always say a little pray...

Ya Rahman...
I pray for the one who will be a part of my life.
A man who loves You more than anything.
A man who loves me because of You.
A man who understands me completely.
A man who needs my smile to make him happy.
A man who has gentle heart and nice behavior.

Ya Wadud...
Please guide my heart...
Don't let me fall in love with the wrong one. 
till the day that You specify,
I'll keep my love for the chosen one.

Depok, Indonesia
January 11, 2011
08.48 pm

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Smile! Verily, Allah Loves Us

Peace be upon you all.

When the calamity afflicts us.
And the sorrow comes out with no hope.
You feel the whole universe is changing.
No body's gonna wipe your tears away.
You don't know what to do.
And you feel Allah is unjustice.

Don't rush to think that Allah is not fair.

Let's take a look on this verse in the Qur'an.
"So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs). So when you have finished (from your occupation), then stand up for Allah's worship (i.e. stand up for prayer). And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your intentions and hopes and) your invocations. (Ash-Sharh 5-8)
When Allah test a slave with calamity, it means he loves that slave so much.
He just wanted to see our patience so that he can increase our degree in his side.
Indeed, calamity is a great blessings (in disguise).
All you have to do is just be patient and never give up.
Verily, with the hardship, there is relief.

Allah will alleviate every pain and sadness.
Don't get misunderstood anymore.
Whenever you get caught in calamity.
Smile, verily, Allah loves us!

To Him we belong to, to Him is our return.

May Allah console our heart with his grace and mercy.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Siti Fatimah

Depok, Indonesia
January 2, 2011
6.35 am

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't Give Up

Assalamualaikum my sisters...
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you all...

When no one helps you to reach your dreams,
And you feel life's too hard, 
Don't give up!
Verily, Allah is there to help you.

When everyone looks down on you,
The whole world disparages you,
Don't give up.
Indeed, Allah always appreciates what you have done.

When you feel no one believes you,
And you feel the things you've done by yourself were useless and in vain,
Whereas you have done your best,
Don't give up!
Truthfully, Allah knows your effort.
He will surely reward you for your good deeds.

When all the people let you down,
And no one consoles you,
Don't give up!
Just believe, Allah will alleviate all pain and sadness.

When you feel all alone,

And you need somebody to rely on,
But no one gives a shoulder,
Don't give up! 
As a matter of fact, you've never been alone.
Allah is always with you. He always looks after you and shelters you.

No matter what people say,
I never want to give up!
Allah is enough for me.

Siti Fatimah Zahra

Depok, January 1, 2011
9.44 pm

Nikmat Tuhan yang Manakah yang Kamu Dustakan?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Semoga rahmat dan keberkahan Allah menyertaimu.

Pernahkah engkau menyadari betapa besar karunia dan cinta Allah pada kita?
Jika kita menghitung nikmat yang Allah berikan, niscaya tak kan sanggup kita menghitungnya.

Lihatlah, betapa banyak orang-orang yang tergeletak tak berdaya di ranjang-ranjang putih rumah sakit.
Betapa banyak orang yang bernafas harus menggunakan tabung oksigen yang sangat mahal.
Betapa banyak orang yang kehilangan penglihatannya.
Betapa banyak orang yang tak bisa mendengar.
Betapa banyak orang yang kuat tersenyum karena bencana yang menimpa mereka.
Betapa banyak orang yang tak punya tempat tinggal untuk berteduh dari panas dan hujan.
Betapa banyak orang yang menjerit karena kelaparan.

Betapa banyak orang yang menginginkan kebebasan, namun is terperangkap di dalam jeruji besi.
Betapa banyak orang yang kehilangan akal sehat mereka karena putus asa dengan rahmat Allah.

Lalu sekarang, lihatlah dirimu.
Betapa Allah sangat menyayangimu.
Engkau masih diberi kesehatan oleh Allah, sehingga mampu untuk berdiri dan melakukan aktivitas.

Engkau masih dapat menghirup udara secara gratis,
Engkau masih dapat melihat keindahan ciptaan-Nya.
Engkau masih dapat mendengar.
Engkau masih memiliki tempat untuk berteduh dari panas dan hujan.
Engkau masih merasakan nikmatnya makan.
Engkau masih dapat berpikir secara rasional.
Serta masih banyak nikmat Allah lainya yang tak kita sadari.
Maka bersyukurlah dengan memuji nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah.

Wahai saudariku yang dirahmati Allah...
Allah yang maha pengasih dan penyayang selalu mencurahkan kasih sayangnya untukmu.
Tak sedetikpun berlalu tanpa mengurusmu.
Dia selalu ingat akan hamba-Nya. 
Namun apakah kita juga selalu mengingat-Nya?
Sadarkah kita akan kasih sayang-Nya?

Ingatlah Allah, ingatlah karunianya yang begitu besar, agar kita senantiasa bersyukur dan selalu merasa puas atas apa yang telah Allah berikan.

Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya untuk kita semua.

Siti Fatimah