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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Assalamualalikum my blessed sisters,
May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you...

When I was reading an islamic book titled "Keluarga Sakinah" (Sakinah Family), I found an Indonesian poem titled "Wanita" (Woman). It's written by Drs. Umay M. Dja'far Shiddieq.
I'm interested to translate it into English and share it here. Check this out:


She. . . is made from man's rib.
Not from his head, to be his superior.
Nor from his feet, to be stepped on.
But. . .
From his side, to accompany him
Under his hands, to be protected by him. .
Close to his heart to be loved by him. .

I feel it really touches my heart.
And thats so true. :')
How do you think about that?
Well,that's why woman should be proud of herself and protect her womanhood by following what Allah told her to do.
Ponder this quotation:

It takes 1000 soldiers to build an army,
it takes 100 workers to build a castle,
It takes only ONE woman, to build a happy family!

Siti Fatima Zahra 


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