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Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh Rasululullah...

Assalamualaikum sisters...
Have you ever realized how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) loves us?
He was just worried about us till his last breathed.
I'm suddenly interested to make a poem about our beloved Prophet (peace Be Upon Him).
Check this out: 

Oh Rasulullah...
by Siti Fatimah Zahra

You're mercy upon mankind.
You're the best teacher for human being.
Your love to your people beyond your love to yourself.

You prayed while others slept,
You'd fast while others ate,
Palm leaves was your bed.
You never lived luxuriously.
You're so humble and modest.
Whereas, you're the great leader.
Truly, you're the best example for mankind.
Ummati... Ummati.. 
My people... My people... What would they future be...
Till your last breathed, you just worried about us...

Ya Rasulullah...
Ya HabibAllah...
I've never seen your radiant face.
I've never seen your wonderful smile.
Even I've never heard your gentle voice.
But I do believe in you and in this deen..

Ya Rasulullah...
Ya HabibAllah...
I miss you incredibly...

This poem was honestly came out of my heart.
Allahumma shalli alaa Muhammad!

Siti fatimah


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