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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Jakarta -  Siapa yang tak kenal dengan pelantun tembang Insha Allah, Maher Zain? Penyanyi asal Lebanon ini baru saja meluncurkan album terbarunya yang berjudul Forgive Me di Jakarta kemarin (3/4) pukul 17.30 WIB, di La Piazza, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. Konser peluncuran album yang juga disiarkan oleh salah satu stasiun TV tersebut berlangsung meriah dan bertabur bintang.
Fadli Padi, Syahrini, Ashanty, Aurel, Tasya dan beberapa penyanyi papan atas Indonesia lainnya turut memeriahkan konser yang bertajuk Konser Istimewa Maher Zain ini. Konser itu dibuka dengan penampilan Maher Zain dengan membawakan lagu hits nya, Ya Nabi Salam Alaika. Para fans pun sangat antusias dalam menyaksikan konser tersebut. Walaupun arena konser diguyur hujan selama konser tersebut berlangsung, namun tidak menyurutkan semangat dan antusiasme para penggemar penyanyi berwajah tampan ini untuk tetap menyaksikan konser sang idola hingga selesai. 


Berita Fiture oleh Siti Fatimah

Sambil menyelam minum air, nampaknya peribahasa ini cocok untuk menggambarkan apa yang saya alami selama 2 minggu di kampung inggris Pare, Kediri pada liburan tahun lalu. Tak hanya refreshing untuk melepas penat, Kampung Inggris Pare juga menawarkan paket “wisata pendidikan” yang unik dan menarik. 

Pertama kali mendengar nama ‘Kampung Inggris’, rasa penasaran saya langsung tergelitik. Apakah itu kampung yang dihuni oleh orang inggris? Rasa penasaran saya terjawab ketika kakak saya sendiri (yang saat itu baru lulus sekolah dan ingin melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi) pergi ke Kampung Inggris Pare atas rekomendasi dari sahabatnya. Saking bentahnya, kakak saya sampai menghabiskan waktu satu tahun lebih disana. Sepulangnya dari Kampung Inggris, saya sempat dibuat amazed dengan kefasihan kakak saya dalam berbahasa Inggris (maklum, sebelumnya kakak saya tidak begitu mahir berbahasa Inggris). 

Usut punya usut, ternyata kemahiran bahasa Inggrisnya diperoleh dari kunjungannya ke Kampung Inggris Pare. “Di satu kampung itu ada banyaaaaak banget tempat  kursus bahasa Inggris.  Dari anak-anak, remaja, orang dewasa bahkan tukang pecel sekalipun hampir semuanya bisa bahasa Inggris. Jangan takut kalo nggak bisa sama sekali (bahasa Inggris), karena disana tuh diajarin dari dasar banget. Gimana nggak cepet bisa, orang dari bangun tidur sampai mau tidur lagi wajib pake bahasa Inggris.” Ungkapnya antusias. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear My Future 'Imam'...

By: Fatima Zahra

O my future imam...
I may not know who you are.
I may not know where you're from.
But I don't care…
I'm sure someday Allah will let me know about you.
I'm sure you're the best that Allah has chosen for me.
I'm sure Allah will allow me to meet you on the right time.

Oh the owner of my rib...
Whoever you are...
I promise, 
If I found you, I would love you eternally because of Allah.
I would always obey your commands.
I would stay by your side, no matter what.
And keep this love till the end of time.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Peal In Its Shell

By : Fatima Zahra

“Hey, Sarah! How are you doing?” Lucy’s voice surprised me. I was about to leave my class when she came. Her lovely hair and glowing skin appeared. She was definitely beautiful.
“Good, Alhamdulillah! And you?” I answered while giving her a smile.
“I’m cool. Where are you going?”
“I’m going to the mosque. You want to join?" I ask her 
“Oh come on! Mosque? That’s boring. You’d better follow me to Glenn’s party. It’s going to be fun!”
“No, thanks. It’s more important rather than going to Glenn’s party.”
“Well, it’s alright then. See ya.” Lucy said while waving her hands.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To You Whom I Miss

By: Fatima Zahra

O you whom I always miss,
Your face never depicted on the canvas of my life
Your smile never crossed my imagination
Even your name never carved in my heart

O you who always disturbs my inner peace,
Who are you?
Don't you know how restless I am?
Every time I longing for you
When are you going to pick me up?

O you who paralyzes my heart,
Never had I know who you are
I couldn't guess where you're from or what you're doing there.
But I am sure you're always with Him
Keeping your love for Him to love me later only for the sake of Him.

O you who always haunts my nights...

Is It Permisible to Pluck Our Eyebrows?

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
How are you doing dear sisters?
Hope you are all doing great insha Allah.

My dear sisters,
As women, we certainly love to look beautiful. It is natural because Allah is beautiful and loves beauty as well. But don't let our desire to beautify ourselves and violate the provisions of Islamic Shari'a. Some of women like to pluck their eyebrows for the sake of beauty. But wait… is it permissible?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hijab : Is it an oppression?

But don’t you see
That I’m truly free
This piece of scarf on me
I wear it so proudly
To preserve my dignity, my modesty, my integrity
So don’t judge me
Open your eyes and see…

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
May peace and blessings be upon you my dear sisters.

I just can’t wait to share to you all about my interesting experience. A non-believer asked me this morning, “Why are you wearing hijab?”

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy - My Favorite Qur'aan Reciter

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,
My dear sisters in Islam. :)

It's been so long since  I wrote my last post here on my blog. I'm really sorry because I was busy with my studies. :D

How have you been my blessed sister?
I hope you are in a great state of imaan.
It's a great pleasure for me to greet you again through my posts.

Today I'm going to tell you about my favorite Qur'an reciter that I mentioned in my previous post (my short story entitled Jasmine).
He has such a heavenly voice...
I feel like crying every time I listen to his Quran recitation. :')
Hmmm... Who is he?
Yup, is Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy. :)